Express your love
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Those meaningful expressions of love are often the best ways to say 'I love you'. Simple, everyday, seemingly unimportant ways go a long way in enriching your relationship and making it last forever. All it takes is a little creativity, and a genuine need to reach out to your loved one. Follow your heart, make those little gestures, and see how your love life get recharged with a new life... And if you still need a bit of prodding, here are some hints...
1) Make sure you say 'I love you' at least once each day to your spouse. Listening to you saying those words again and again is all the emotional reassurance that your partner needs to keep that spark alive.
2) Give your mate an unexpected hug, a surprisingly romantic kiss, or a teasing tickle often. These are all ways of physically reinforcing those three important words.
3) Be spontaneous and surprising with unexpected notes, winking your spouse away for an unexpected weekend alone, star-gazing together, taking a walk in the rain with one another...
4) Share memories by looking at old photographs and talking about memories you share together.
5) Schedule a day to just be leisurely together. Away from kids and the rest of the family members, away from everyday tensions and work. Great for bonding.
6) Listen. First to each other. Pay attention when your partner says something. And next, listen together... could be Beethoven or even the news... the important thing is to share your likes and dislikes.
7) Share why you love your spouse. Nothing boosts your partner's morale faster than this. No wonder it works every time.
8) Give the gift of your time by performing trivial chores for your spouse, such as folding clothes, running an errand, washing the car, etc.
9) Don't forget anniversaries and birthdays. Never. Nothing brings about the crumbling of an affair faster than this.
10) Smile. Often. At each other, for no reason at all, together at something else...
11) Blow your partner a kiss from across the room - this is the most romantic gesture that the French ever discovered.
12) Dance with your spouse in your own living room. Plan a surprise, if you can. the minute your partner walks into the room, the music goes on. So do the lights, and you waltz into his or her arms. There is something very romantic about waltzing in your own house.
13) Hold hands. Yet another simple action, but great for sustaining a relationship.
14) Plan and cook a meal together. And eat it over candlelight.
15) Send love notes to each other... keeps you on his or her mind even when out of sight. These days, SMSes have taken over, and people have forgotten how to write those cute little handwritten notes to each other. But the fact is, nothing beats them when it comes to the sheer romanticism, and of course, communication.
Where to leave those love notes...
On an egg in the refrigerator
Inside a book your spouse is reading
On the refrigerator door
On your mate's pillow
In one of your spouse's shoes
On the computer or television
On the dashboard of your spouse's car
Inside your partner's favourite glass
In one of your partner's drawers
Tucked inside a CD or DVD plastic sleeve
On the bathroom mirror
Via email or cell phone message
Inside one of the coat pockets
Inside your spouse's lunch box
Inside your mate's favourite bag of chips or a package of cookies
Advices http://www.new-dating.com/search.php